By Telephone
Our main phone number is 703-783-3300 which provides an automated menu in both English and Spanish. This menu offers information about our services and hours of operation, allows you to make an appointment, and can also transfer you to specific members of our staff.
If we are not available, please leave a voicemail with a phone number where you can be reached, and we will call you back as soon as possible during regular business hours. If you would like us not to call you back but to reach out by email instead, please indicate that in your message. Outside of our business hours, there is an option for patients to leave a message for our on-call team who will contact you in the case of an urgent matter about your care.
Please be aware that when we receive inbound calls asking for patient information, we will confirm that the caller is the patient before we release any patient information over the phone. In cases where we cannot determine this, we will call the phone number listed in our patient records. The best and most secure way to communicate with us about patient information is through our patient portal.
By email
You can always email us at Please be aware, however, that we do not check our email as regularly as voicemail, so if your matter is urgent we suggest that you contact us by phone. We will normally respond to your email within one business day. Please be aware that our privacy guidelines limit what information about your healthcare we can provide through standard email. If you’re looking for this information, we suggest that you utilize our patient portal
By Patient Portal
Our Patient Portal is a great, secure way for you to communicate with us — to schedule appointments, to receive test results, to complete patient forms, and to ask questions of our providers. You will need an email address to access the portal. When we send information to your portal, our system will send a notification to your personal email address prompting you to log in to access the information. The portal will also allow you to opt in to receive appointment reminders by text. You can opt out at any time.
If you are using the portal to contact your provider with a question, you will usually receive a response within one business day. If you require more immediate attention, please call our number and leave a voicemail message for the provider.
If you are having any issues accessing the portal, please email us at We will get back to you within one business day.
by FAX
Yes! Can you believe it? People are still using FAX technology in the 21st Century! Some medical offices send and receive faxes with private health information. We recommend that this communication be limited to other medical offices. They can reach us by FAX at 703-783-3300.
by Text / SMS
Patients may text us at 703-783-3300 to ask us general questions, to request specific information which is not based on private health information (e,g, links to aftercare instructions and other resources), and to prompt a callback from our staff. If you would like our staff to call you, you may text the word CALLBACK to 703-783-3300 (Para español, escribe LLAMAME).
If you send us a text message, we will assume that this is permission to reply back to continue the conversation. Once that conversation has ended, we will not initiate another text conversation with you unless you send us a text message or have given us express permission to do so.
Please be aware that sending text messages may incur a fee by your mobile carrier. Please reach out to them for further information.